I'm currently looking at the 't Hooft-Veltman regularization scheme and I'm a bit confused on how exactly one calculates traces in this scheme. As far as I understand one has to divide the $D$-dimensional subspace into a $4$-dim. one and a $(D-4)$-dim. one, i.e. $$ \begin{align*} g_{\mu\nu} =: \bar g_{\mu\nu} + \hat g_{\mu\nu},\quad k^{\mu} =: \bar k^{\mu} + \hat k^{\mu},\quad\text{and}\quad \gamma^{\mu} =: \bar \gamma^{\mu} + \hat \gamma^{\mu}, \end{align*} $$ where the bar's indicate the $4$-dim. one and the hats the $(D-4)$-dim. one. The HVBM scheme is now defined by \begin{align} \{\bar \gamma^\mu, \gamma^5\} = 0,\\ [\hat \gamma^\mu, \gamma^5] =0,\\ \quad\text{and}\quad \{\bar\gamma^\mu,\hat\gamma^\nu \} = 0. \end{align}
If one now considers for example a trace of this form $$\mathrm{tr}[\gamma^a \gamma^5\gamma^b\gamma^c\gamma^d\gamma^5],$$ my approach would be to expand each $\gamma$-matrix into the bar and hat and then use the linearity of the trace to look at all the individual terms. Let's pick one of the terms that gives me trouble, e.g. $$ \mathrm{tr}[\bar\gamma^a\gamma^5\hat\gamma^b\bar\gamma^c\hat\gamma^d\gamma^5]. $$ I can now with the above relations move one of the $\gamma^5$'s to the other and eliminate it with $(\gamma^5)^2=1$, so I will end up with something that is proportional to $$\mathrm{tr}[\bar\gamma^a\hat\gamma^b\bar\gamma^c\hat\gamma^d]$$ but how exactly do I handle a trace that mixes hats with bars?
I used a computer algebra system (FeynCalc) to compute the result and I get $$ \mathrm{tr}[\gamma^a \gamma^5\gamma^b\gamma^c\gamma^d\gamma^5]= 8 \hat{g}^{ad} g^{bc}-4 g^{ad} g^{bc}-8 \hat{g}^{ac} g^{bd}+4 g^{ac} g^{bd}+8 \hat{g}^{ab} g^{cd}-4 g^{ab} g^{cd}. $$ How exactly do the $\hat g$ come into play here?