I have the following $1$D fermionic Hamiltonian $H$, given by $$ H = H^A_0+H _0^B+H_I^{AB}=\sum_{jk\in A} H_{jk}^Ac^\dagger_j c_k + \sum_{jk\in B} H_{jk}^Bc^\dagger_j c_k + \lambda \sum_{j\in A, \ k \in B} H^{AB}_{jk} (c^\dagger_j c_k+ c_k^\dagger c_j), $$ i.e. two independent fermionic subsystems “interacting” via some $H_I^{AB}$, the $H_{jk}$’s could be whatever, I’m just interested in the above form. I know I could gather everything together into one big $H_{jk}$, diagonalise it, define some new $c_j=\sum_n \phi^n_j d_n$ such that $H=\sum_n \epsilon_n d^\dagger_n d_n$ and call it a day. The problem is that I would loose track of $\lambda$ , a parameter I want to tweak later on as it modulates the strength of the subsystem’s interaction.
How can one diagonalise $H$ keeping track of $\lambda$?