I have some confusion about the vacuum expectation value of scalar field in QFT. I know that the one-point function $$ \langle \Omega | \phi(x) | \Omega \rangle = \langle \Omega | \phi(0) | \Omega \rangle =: v $$ is a constant, which follows immediately by translation properties of $\phi$, that is $$ \phi(x) = e^{i P x} \phi(0) e^{-iPx}. $$ Q1: If one would like to determine $v$, should one just calculate the one-point function (that means the tadpole diagrams) in perturbation theory? Or is there an easier (or exact) way to get it?
Q2: Also I have heard that one can set the one-point function to zero by making a field redefinition $\phi \rightarrow \phi - v$ (see e.g. Why can the $1$-point correlation function be made to vanish?) and therefore one can safely consider it zero while happily continuing with the same theory. I see that it sets $v \rightarrow 0$, but it also massively changes the theory, since is may generate additional interaction terms in the Lagrangian? I need some clarification.