Under a time-dependent unitary transformation $V(t)$ of the state vectors $|{\psi}\rangle$
\begin{equation} |\psi'(t)\rangle = V(t) |\psi(t)\rangle \end{equation}
The Hamiltonian $H(t)$ has to transform as
\begin{equation} H' = V H V^{\dagger} - i \hbar V \dot{V}^{\dagger} \end{equation}
to preserve the form of the Schrödinger equation. $H'$ is Hermitian, and as such can be diagonalized.
If the original Hamiltonian has instantaneous eigenvectors $\{|n(t)\rangle\}_n$ of eigenvalues $E_n(t)$ such that
\begin{equation} H(t)|n(t)\rangle = E_n(t) |n(t)\rangle, \end{equation}
can one also find eigenvector and eigenvalues of the transformed Hamiltonian $H'$ starting from those of $H$?
I know that, in particular cases, it is possible to do that. I am wondering if there is a scheme to do it in the general case.