If you look in outer space, you'll see things like giant molecular clouds these clouds are not necessarily in equilibrium, so the factors that cause them to exist for a certain amount of time may be very complicated. E.g., there could be shock waves, star formation, ...
If the cloud is in thermal equilibrium, then the typical molecular speeds go like $mv^2\sim kT$, and escape velocity is given roughly by $v^2\sim\Phi$, where $\Phi$ is the gravitational potential. The result is that the maximum temperature of such a cloud is $T\sim m\Phi/k$. If you put in a typical numbers, you find that even for a body with gravity as strong as the moon's, it's not possible to have air and water (high $T$ and low $m$). But note that the result depends on the gravitational potential, not the gravitational field, so in theory this could work if the body is very large in linear dimensions. Also, it would be possible, for example, to give the moon a permament atmosphere of heavy molecules such as long-chain fluorocarbons, making it a shirtsleeve environment where all you'd need was an oxygen tank.
The WP article for Sun of Suns describes a fullerene shell holding the whole thing together.