Well because if I were to do it myself I would write it as follows: $\rho_{jlkl} =\langle \alpha_j|\langle \beta_l| \rho |\alpha_k\rangle |\beta_l\rangle $ However I am unsure because the worked examples I have seen suggest the following $\rho_{jlkl} =\langle \alpha_j|\langle \beta_l| \rho |\beta_l\rangle |\alpha_k\rangle $.
It seems you are misunderstanding the idea of a tensor product of states, so I'll review that briefly. Let $\mathcal H_A$ and $\mathcal H_B$ be Hilbert spaces, and let $\alpha \in \mathcal H_A$ and $\beta \in \mathcal H_B$. The tensor product of $\alpha$ and $\beta$ is the ordered pair $(\alpha,\beta)$ which has the following properties:
- $(\alpha,\beta+\gamma)=(\alpha,\beta)+(\alpha,\gamma)$ for all $\alpha\in\mathcal H_A, \beta,\gamma \in \mathcal H_B$
- $(\alpha+\delta,\beta)=(\alpha,\beta)+(\delta,\beta)$ for all $\alpha,\delta \in \mathcal H_A, \beta \in \mathcal H_B$
- $\lambda (\alpha,\beta) = (\lambda \alpha,\beta) = (\alpha,\lambda \beta)$ for all $\lambda \in \mathbb C, \alpha\in\mathcal H_A, \beta \in \mathcal H_B$
Rather than write $(\alpha,\beta)$ for the tensor product, it is standard notation to write $\alpha \otimes \beta$.
The tensor product of Hilbert spaces $\mathcal H_A$ and $\mathcal H_B$ is the space of all tensor products of the form $\alpha\otimes \beta$ with $\alpha\in\mathcal H_A$ and $\beta \in \mathcal H_B$, and all linear combinations thereof. The inner product on this space is taken to be
$$\bigg< (\alpha,\beta), (\gamma,\delta)\bigg>_{\mathcal H_A\otimes \mathcal H_B} := \left<\alpha,\gamma\right>_{\mathcal H_A} \cdot \left<\mathcal \beta ,\mathcal \delta\right>_{\mathcal H_B}$$
Therefore, an element $\psi \in \mathcal H_A \otimes \mathcal H_B$ might look like
$$\psi= \alpha\otimes \beta + 3\gamma \otimes \delta$$
It is clear from the definition that $\alpha$ and $\gamma$ belong to $\mathcal H_A$ while $\beta$ and $\delta$ belong to $\mathcal H_B$. Again per standard convention, we reuse the symbol $\otimes$ and denote the tensor product of Hilbert spaces by $\mathcal H_A \otimes \mathcal H_B$.
If you'd like to work with Dirac notation, then you can write something like $|\psi\rangle = |\alpha\rangle \otimes |\beta \rangle$. The corresponding bra would be $\langle \psi| = \langle \alpha| \otimes \langle \beta |$. If we let $|\phi\rangle = |\gamma\rangle \otimes |\delta \rangle$, then
$$\langle \psi|\phi\rangle = \bigg(\langle \alpha| \otimes \langle \beta|\bigg) \bigg( |\gamma \rangle \otimes |\delta \rangle\bigg) = \langle \alpha|\gamma\rangle \cdot \langle \beta|\delta\rangle$$
The convention is that whether you're talking about a bra or a ket, the first quantity in the tensor product belongs to $\mathcal H_A$ (or its dual space) and the second belongs to $\mathcal H_B$ (or its dual space).
With all that being said, your expression
$$\rho_{j,l,k,l} = \langle\alpha_j| \langle\beta_l |\rho |\beta_l\rangle |\alpha_k\rangle$$
doesn't make sense to me, because the tensor product ket on the right is in the wrong order.