Consider an open embedding $\varphi:\Bbb R^{1,1}_- \hookrightarrow (0,1)^2$ with $\varphi(x_1,x_2)=(e^{x_1},e^{x_2})$
I need to put a metric on $(0,1)^2$.
Here’s what I know so far. I need to transport the Lorentz metric: $ds^2=dxdy. $
Since my map is a diffeomorphism I can push forward the Lorentz metric to $(0,1)^2$.
I know that $n=\log(x)\log(y)$ is a preserved metric of a transformation on $(0,1)^2$ that is related to the classical Lorentz transformation.
However I don't think I can obtain a metric purely from this fact.
How can I push the Lorentz metric forward?
My wild guess is: $ds^2=\frac{1}{x}dx\frac{1}{y}dy.$
Also how can one generalize this metric to dimension 3?
I think it has to do with adding in a positive definite matrix of dimension $n-2$ somewhere into the metric. This makes sense because that matrix will do the job of rotating the coordinate system.