I like Dr jh’s answer:
The simplest form of this principle states that two (or more) electrons (fermions, spin 1/2 particles) cannot occupy the same quantum state in an atom.
This is what Pauli (1925) found. One year earlier - in 1924 - repeated examination of the emission spectrum of alkali metals showed that electrons should have a two-valuedness. This was - suggested by Ralph Kronig - as a consequence of the self-rotation of the electron. Indeed, the experiments were carried out with strong external magnetic fields and showed a hyper-fine structure of electron emission with pairs of emission lines.
The explanation was given in the following cause-effect sequence: All particles with charge and angular momentum have a magnetic dipole moment (like a tiny bar magnet).Now imagine - just for the moment you follow these explanations - that the cause-effect sequence would have been different: Charges not only have an intrinsic (permanent) electric field, but also an intrinsic magnetic field by nature.
The pairs of emission lines are the result of the emission from electrons with identical quantum states but opposite orientation of their magnetic dipoles. Full periods in the table of elements are 2 and 8 and 8 (never an odd number). 2 and 8 bar magnets can be arranged in perfect equilibrium around a nucleus.
Now imagine - just for the moment you follow these explanations - that the cause-effect sequence would have been different: Charges not only have an intrinsic (permanent) electric field, but also an intrinsic magnetic field by nature. The pairs of emission lines are the result of the emission from electrons with identical quantum states but opposite orientation of their magnetic dipoles.
Full periods in the table of elements are 2 and 8 and 8 (never an odd number). 2- and 8-bar magnets can be arranged in perfect equilibrium around a nucleus.And the deflection of moving electrons in an external magnetic field is also the result of magnetic interactions (together with the photon emission that occurs during sideways acceleration).
To your question in another formulation: What would happen if electrons did not have a magnetic dipole?:
- First at all technical electric currents will not exist. Remember, that a generator is based on magnetic windings and in fact the current is the result of the deflection of electrons in their interaction with external magnetic fields.
- Snow flakes will not have their perfect symmetries
- Lat not least molecules will have another shapes respectively will be less stable. And methane CH4 is the best example for 8 electrons in an perfect spatial symmetry.
Anyway the question is highly speculative because (with or without the found by Pauli principle; with magnetic dipole moment as the primary or highly rotating electrons), the world is as it is.