I have a problem understanding what exactly is non-equilibrium steady state. Let's say the system starts with an equilibrium state at remote past. We should have the density operator given by: $$ \hat{\rho}_{eqm}=\frac{\prod_{i}e^{-\beta_i\hat{K}_{0,i}}}{\mathrm{Tr}(\prod_{i}e^{-\beta_{i}\hat{K}_{0,i}})} $$ where $\hat{K}_{0,i}$ is the unperturbed grand canonical hamiltonian for the $i$-th sub-system. Usually, we have $[\hat{K}_{0,i},\hat{H}_0]=0$, so the density operator is identical at any time in all the Schrödinger's picture, Heisenburg picture and interaction picture. Therefore, treating it as an operator expressed in the interaction picture at $t=0$, the perturbed density operator in Schrödinger's picture at time $t$ should be given by: $$ \hat{\rho}(t)=S(t,-\infty)\hat{\rho}_{eqm}S(-\infty,t) $$ where $$ S(t,t_0)=\lim_{\eta\to 0^{+}}\mathcal{T}\exp\left[-i\int_{t_0}^{t}\mathrm{d}t'e^{\eta t'}\hat{V}_{I}(t')\right] $$ The perturbation is turned on adiabatically. When you calculate the expectation value of any observable in the non-equilibrium state, you use $$ \left\langle{\hat{O}}\right\rangle(t)=\mathrm{Tr}\left(\hat{\rho}(t)\hat{O}\right) $$ Here comes my problem, how do you define a steady state? If $\left\langle{\hat{O}}\right\rangle$ is independent of time, its time integral will obviously increases linearly with time since the remote past, i.e. it diverges! If the expectation value describes a particle current, it would mean one side of the system is taking in infinite number of particles and it keeps increasing! If the expectation value describes a energy flow, one side is gonna receive infinite amount of energy!
How can you even "fix" the chemical potential and temperature of the sub-systems? They can only be fixed in the remote past via $\hat{\rho}_{eqm}$, aren't they? The density operator contains everything about the system and the Hamiltonian governs the time evolution of it. These are fundamental laws of quantum physics. So shouldn't $\hat{\rho}(t)$ already define what the current state is? Just like energy spectrum can be altered after perturbation, temperature and chemical potential of the sub-systems should also be changed. I don't see how a non-equilibrium steady state can exist.