For a spherically symmetric wavefunction the probability is proportional to $|\Psi|^2r^2$, and if the wave function blows up at $r=0$ then at $r=0$ $|\Psi|^2=\infty$, and $r^2=0$ meaning that the probability is proportional to $\infty*0$ and on its own $\infty*0$ would be indeterminate, however for a continuous probability distribution $|\Psi|^2r^2$ would still have a determined value at $r=0$ given by the limit as $r$ approaches $0$, and for some functions, in which you have $\infty*0$ at a particular point, the value is still finite.
Does this mean that $\Psi$ is allowed to blow up at $r=0$ provided that $|\Psi|^2r^2$ doesn't?