To first order, muon pair production:
$$ e^+ + e^- \rightarrow \mu^+ + \mu^- $$
only proceeds via the $s$-channel. That is, the electron position pair annihilate into a virtual photon or Z-boson, which then decays to the final state.
$$ e^+ + e^- \rightarrow e^+ + e^- $$
has both an $s$ and $t$ channel amplitude, making comparison with $q\bar q$ processes less clear. In the $t$-channel, the particles scatter by exchanging a photon. Colloquially, one would say the detected particles are the same ones from the colliding beam, but that's a bit deceptive, since all electrons (positrons) are identical. Identical particles means the $s$ and $t$ amplitudes interfere, further complicating comparison with:
$$ e^+ + e^- \rightarrow q + \bar q $$
Neglecting QCD effect, $R$ should be independent of $\sqrt s$ (kinematically), and only depend on the number of quarks available in the final state giving the total collision (threshold effects):
$$ R_{QED} = \frac{\sum_q{e^2_q}}{e^2_{\mu}}$$
where $q$ runs over quark flavors and $e_q$ ($e_{\mu}$) are the quark (muon) charges.