This question also stems from Anna's answer here:
Quoting her, she says an electron bound to a nucleus is not a quantum entity, the entire atom is. She adds that as such the two are not separable.
And she says this is also true of a molecule, i.e. it is one single quantum entity.
Clearly, a molecule can be very complex and have a size almost visible to the naked eye or low level microscopy.
Take DNA for example. To replicate it, a biological device will have to locate the interesting part of its code, free it from its constraints and start reading it.
How is that compatible with the idea of the molecule being a single quantum entity that is not separable to its constituents since those constituents are detected and dealt with separately in biological processes?
Does that mean the said quantum entity actually has so many parameters that in the end its description contains constituents?
Anyway, pursuing my thinking, keeping in mind the idea of a single quantum entity, although I am uncertain of its meaning, if this is synonymous with an elementary object, then does that mean there is instantaneous communication inside the molecule even though it has a size? If not, how can this still be considered a single entity?
Note: by instantaneous communication inside a molecule, I mean that what happens on one end of it is instantaneously known to the other side of the molecule, thus producing effects exceeding the speed of light, which seems erroneous to say the least.