I'm currently fiddling around with gauge-phase-transformations in Fock space. Especially, I'm trying to write a local gauge-phase-transformation as an operator in a basis-independent way.
Here is what I have so far.
Consider a system of indistinguishable particles (each with a charge $q$).
Total charge
Let's take the total charge operator $\hat{Q}$. It can be defined by its action on the $n$-particle states (using Fock states in the position basis): $$\begin{align} &\hat{Q}\ |\rangle &=\ & 0 \\ &\hat{Q}\ |\vec{x}_1\rangle &=\ & q\ |\vec{x}_1\rangle \\ &\hat{Q}\ |\vec{x}_1\vec{x}_2\rangle &=\ & 2q\ |\vec{x}_1\vec{x}_2\rangle \\ &... \end{align} \tag{1}$$ The operator $\hat{Q}$ can be written in a basis-independent way: $$\hat{Q} = q\hat{N} = q\int d^3x\ \hat{\psi}^\dagger(\vec{x})\hat{\psi}(\vec{x}) \tag{2}$$ where $\hat{N}$ is the total number operator, and $\hat{\psi}^\dagger(\vec{x})$ and $\hat{\psi}(\vec{x})$ are the canonical creation and annihilation operators at position $\vec{x}$. It is easy to check that this operator (2) satifies the definition (1).
Global gauge transformation
Now let's consider a global gauge-phase-transformation $\hat{U}(f)$ with a global constant $f$. $\hat{U}(f)$ can be defined by its action on the $n$-particle states: $$\begin{align} &\hat{U}(f)\ |\rangle &=\ & |\rangle \\ &\hat{U}(f)\ |\vec{x}_1\rangle &=\ & e^{iqf}\ |\vec{x}_1\rangle \\ &\hat{U}(f)\ |\vec{x}_1\vec{x}_2\rangle &=\ & e^{2iqf}\ |\vec{x}_1\vec{x}_2\rangle \\ &... \end{align} \tag{3}$$ It is easy to guess that $\hat{U}(f)$ can be written in a basis-independent way: $$\hat{U}(f) = e^{i\hat{Q}f} \tag{4}$$ And indeed, by using $\hat{Q}$ from above it can be verified that (4) satisfies the definition (3).
So far no problem.
Local gauge transformation
And now for the local gauge-phase-transformation $\hat{U}(f)$ with a position-dependent function $f(\vec{x})$. Again $\hat{U}(f)$ can be defined by its action on the $n$-particle states (by generalizing the definition (3)): $$\begin{align} &\hat{U}(f)\ |\rangle &=\ & |\rangle \\ &\hat{U}(f)\ |\vec{x}_1\rangle &=\ & e^{iqf(\vec{x}_1)}\ |\vec{x}_1\rangle \\ &\hat{U}(f)\ |\vec{x}_1\vec{x}_2\rangle &=\ & e^{iqf(\vec{x}_1)}\ e^{iqf(\vec{x}_2)}\ |\vec{x}_1\vec{x}_2\rangle \\ ... \end{align} \tag{5}$$
I was not able to write $\hat{U}(f)$ in a basis-independent way so that it will satisfy the definition (5).
- $\hat{U}(f) = \int d^3x\ e^{i\hat{Q}f(\vec{x})}$
is obviously wrong, because $\hat{U}$ has the dimension of a volume, instead of being dimensionless. - $\hat{U}(f) = e^{i\int d^3x\ \hat{Q}f(\vec{x})}$
is also wrong, because the exponent has the dimension of a volume, instead of being dimensionless. - $\hat{U}(f) = \int d^3x\ \hat{\psi}^\dagger(\vec{x})
e^{i\hat{Q}f(\vec{x})} \hat{\psi}(\vec{x})$
is wrong, because when acting on the vacuum state the result is $\hat{U}|\rangle=0$ instead of $\hat{U}|\rangle=|\rangle$.
Any ideas? Is it even possible?