I have seen derivations of the the length scale, time scale and characteristic velocity of eddies in the inertial or large-scale range and in the diffusive or Kolmogorov scale range. I'm interested in the region in between, which Alistair Revell in his video titled “Advanced CFD Course: Turbulence Scaling” calls the Transfer Scale.
Whereas the length and timescale in the Integral stage are functions of kinetic energy and energy dissipation rate and in the Kolmogorov scale (which Revell refers to as the "destructive stage") are functions of viscosity and energy dissipation rate, Revell states that the length and timescale in the Transfer stage or scale is a function of the length scale and the energy dissipation rate.
I have not been able to find any work on estimating representative or characteristic length, time and velocity scales in the Transfer range. Perhaps it is not possible because the eddies in this Transfer stage span a wide range of sizes. Or perhaps, since I am new to turbulence theory, I am searching for articles using the wrong keywords. If anyone could provide some assistance, I would greatly appreciate it.
Also, it is my assumption that eddies in the "Transfer" stage would equate to transition flow for the fluid. Is that correct?