In Philippe Di Francesco's book on Conformal Field Theory in section 11.2.3 on the Infinite Strip, the one point function of a primary operator (with scaling dimension $\Delta$) is calculated by considering a conformal mapping from the upper half plane. For an infintie strip of width L this is found to be: $$ \langle \Phi (w,\bar{w}) \rangle_{strip} = \left(\frac{2iL}{\pi} \right)^{\Delta} \frac{1}{[\sin(\pi v /L)]^{\Delta}} $$
With $w = u + iv$ and $u$ being the longitudinal coordinate and $v$ the transverse. In the limit $v << L$ we have $$\langle \Phi (v) \rangle_{strip} \propto \frac{1}{v^\Delta} [1 + \frac{1}{6}\pi^2 \Delta (v/L)^2 + ... ] $$
The book then states that this is compatible with the more general result of Fisher and de Gennes obtained through a scaling analysis in dimension $d$:
$$\langle \Phi (v) \rangle_{strip} \sim \frac{1}{v^\Delta} [1 + const.(v/L)^d + ... ] $$
My question is what is the derivation of this general result. The only Fisher and de Gennes paper that I was able to find was this paper from 1978 written in French. I am unable to understand the text and the equations there don't appear to be very relevant. I would be grateful if someone could provide a detailed derivation of this general result.