If there are two electrons coupled by interaction having hamiltonian H=A*S1*S2 where S1 and S2 are spin angular momentum operators of two electrons, we know we have four possible eigenstates for the combined system. The diagram here shows the possible situations. I have following questions:
1)- Two of the four states are combinations of pure states, how can they be eigenstate because in eigenstate we should be able to get exact values upon measurement which is not the case here?
2)- What causes the independent electrons to couple? (Non-mathematical explanation)
3)- Since S1 , S2 are spin angular momentum vector operators , they can have any direction on the cone about z-axis independent of other electron, but in the diagram shown we can see that only 4 combinations of **S1 and S2 ** are allowed. What is reason for only these orientations of spin momentum ? For example can't we have a situation where both are on upper part of the cone with tips diametrically opposite ? Can someone derive these four cases which are allowed ?
Can someone explain these things without too much maths and by giving physical reasons ?