The Onsager solution for specific heat is
$$C\approx -Nk\frac{2}{\pi}\bigg(\frac{2J}{kT_c}\bigg)^2\ln\Big|1-\frac{T}{T_c} \Big|\qquad (T \textrm{ near } T_c)$$
Critical exponent $\alpha\neq 0$. Neither it follows a power law. But when we talk about scaling relation or the result we get for mean-field calculation, we say $\alpha = 0$.
Even when we plot any graph
(On x-axis temperature in units T$\equiv Tk_B/J$)
I cannot say $$C = \begin{cases} C_1 & \textrm{for $T<T_c$} \\C_2 & \textrm{for $T>T_c$} \end{cases}$$
where $C_1,C_2$ are some constants.