I was going through the book Gravitation by Misner, Throne and Wheeler (1973). On page 595, it is written that
$$ds^2 = -e^{2 \Phi} \ dt^2 + e^{2 \Lambda} \ dr^2 + R^2 \ d \Omega^2 ,$$
where $d \Omega^2 = d \theta^2 + \sin \theta \ d\phi^2$ and $R, \Phi$ and $\Lambda$ are arbitrary functions of $r$ and $t$. But since this is static metric, they are function of $r $ only.
My question here is what does $R$ represent here ? Is it Ricci Scalar ? I am very beginner in this subject, but it doesn't seem to me Ricci Scalar for sure. But then what is the reason for this kind of notation here ? Does it have any kind of relation with Ricci Scalar ? Thanks.