I was reading book On Semiconductor Physics By Donald Neamen,In page 176 He discussed semiconductor that is nonuniformly doped with donor impurity atoms.Now Here
The doping concentration decreases as $x$ increases in this case. There will be a diffusion of majority carrier electrons from the region of high concentration to the region of low concentration, which is in the $+x$ direction.
The fl ow of negative electrons leaves behind positively charged donor ions. The separation of positive and negative charge induces an electric fi eld that is in a direction to oppose the diffusion process. When equilibrium is reached, the mobile carrier concentration is not exactly equal to the fi xed impurity concentration and the induced electric fi eld prevents any further separation of charge. In most cases of interest, the space charge induced by this diffusion process is a small fraction of the impurity concentration, thus the mobile carrier concentration is not too different from the impurity dopant density.
The electric potential $\phi$ is related to electron potential energy by the charge ($-e$), so we can write $$\phi=\frac{1}{e}(E_F-E_{Fi})$$ {I din't understand ,How!} The electric fi eld for the one-dimensional situation is defined as $$\frac{dE_x}{dx}=\frac{1}{e}\frac{dE_{F_i}}{dx}$$ Can Some one Help me with this .