In the book Quantum Mechanics by N. Zettili (page 224, 2nd edittion), the potential $V(x)$ is defined as: $$V(x) = \begin{cases} 0 & ; \,x \lt 0 \\ V_0 & ; \, 0 \le x \le a \\ 0 & ; \, x \gt a \\ \end{cases}$$ For the case $E \gt V_0$, the wave functions in the regions: $$\psi(x) = \begin{cases} \psi_1(x)=Ae^{ik_1x}+Be^{-ik_1x} & ; \,x \le 0 \\ \psi_2(x)=Ce^{ik_2x}+De^{-ik_2x} & ; \, 0 \lt x \lt a \\ \psi_3(x)=Ee^{ik_1x} & ; \, x \ge a \\ \end{cases}$$
How does the case ($0 \le x \le a)$ of $V(x)$ correspond to the case ($0 \lt x \lt a$) of $\psi(x)$? How is the equality sign moves to the first and third regions? Why and how does the domain condition change?
Some books like Griffiths and also on Wikipedia, I don't find any equal sign there.
The three cases are given for: (i) $x \lt 0$ (ii) $0 \lt x \lt a$ (iii) $x>a$.
Don't we need to include $x=0$ and $x=a$ ? If not, then how can be the four boundary conditions applied on the wavefunction $\psi(x)$?
What am I missing? I am really confused.