As I understood spacetime is just spacetime inside and out of a black hole, except it is extremely curved inside. But the structure remains the same.
I have read this question:
What's the proper distance from the event horizon to the singularity?
Inside the horizon, we can't have a ruler at rest. The spacetime inside the horizon is not static.
In GR, is 'Static' the same as 'Time-symmetric'?
A stationary spacetime is one that has a timelike Killing vector. There is also a notion of an asymptotically stationary spacetime, which is what some authors mean by "stationary."Although a stationary spacetime does not have a uniquely pre- ferred time, it does prefer some time coordinates over others. In a stationary spacetime, it is always possible to find a “nice” t such that the metric can be expressed without any t-dependence in its components. A static spacetime is one that is not only stationary but also has the property that coordinates exist in which it is diagonal. (Coordinates will also exist in which it is not diagonal.)
I need some clarification as to what static means here. Does this mean that the dimensions change, is it the same as GWs stretching and squeezing spacetime itself?
Is the non-static spacetime one where the tidal forces change the distances between events?
What do the off-diagonal elements of the metric tensor represent?
Non-diagonal elements of the Schwarzchild metric
As I understand based on the comments, when spacetime is not static, this means that the metric is not diagonal. When the metric is not diagonal, does that mean that it is like when spacetime is changing, like stretching/squeezing always, like if GWs would pass by always?
For example, the Kerr metric is not diagonal, because of the rotation, that is a physical phenomenon. I am asking for other physical phenomena inside the BH, that are described by the not diagonal metric, like stretching and squeezing.
- What do we mean when we say that spacetime is not static inside a black hole?