Subsets of topological spaces are usually assumed to be equipped with the subspace topology unless otherwise stated.
My question is regarding how subsets of topological spaces can be equipped with a different topology? In particular, how can a subspace of spacetime, like the interior of a black hole be treated with a different topology? Specifically, can the interior of a black hole be treated as a non-metrizable or non-Hausdorff space, and how could that affect bulk-edge correspondence? Is that inconsistent with other theorems or just too weird to ask from black holes? Does it contradict with black holes having a finite entropy, and introduce weird non-locality? How would a non-metrizable or non-Hausdorff black hole be described in some AdS-CFT, what kinds of geometry can be done on such analysis?
What effect could such treatment of black holes have on something like holographic superconductors?
Lots of other ideas and discussions could follow if that is doable.