I am trying to compute some Clebsch-Gordan coefficients with some specific values. My coefficients look like
$$ \left< L,0;1,\lambda\middle|J,M\right> $$
I know that $M=0+\lambda=\lambda$ and that $J$ ranges from $|L-1|$ to $L+1$, so that I have three cases: $J=L-1$, $J=L$, and $J=L+1$. For instance, if I take the second case, I have
$$ \left< L,0;1,\lambda\middle|L,\lambda\right> $$
I know that the answer should be
$$ -\frac{\lambda}{\sqrt{2}},~\lambda=-1,0,+1 $$
However, I cannot get the expression myself. I was thinking of using the recursion relation given for Clebsch-Gordan, for instance in Sakurai, which is
$$ \sqrt{(J\mp M)(J\pm M+1)}\left< L,M_L;1,\lambda\middle|J,M\pm1\right> = \sqrt{(L\mp M_L)(L\pm M_L+1)}\left< L,M_L\mp1;1,\lambda\middle|J,M\right>+\sqrt{(1\mp \lambda)(1\pm \lambda+1)}\left< L,M_L;1,\lambda\mp1\middle|J,M\right> $$
For $J=L$, $M=\lambda$, this becomes
$$ \sqrt{(J\mp \lambda)(J\pm \lambda+1)}\left< J,0;1,\lambda\middle|J,\lambda\pm1\right> = \sqrt{J(J+1)}\left< J,\mp1;1,\lambda\middle|J,\lambda\right>+\sqrt{(1\mp \lambda)(2\pm \lambda)}\left< J,0;1,\lambda\mp1\middle|J,\lambda\right> $$
but now I am at loss, since none of the coefficients looks like my original coefficient. What am I doing wrong? Is there another method to compute these functions?
Any help will be greatly appreciated.