While I can't vouch for having read every wormhole papers ever published, nor knowing every terminology out there, I'm going to go and say this is nonsense. A few pointers for this :
- Bijections aren't typically discussed in general relativity. Any bijection likely to appear is going to be at least a homeomorphism.
- The distinction of transcendental v. algebraic function very rarely appears in physics, nor is it particularly salient for wormholes.
- The term "spacetime continuum" is not typically used by people in the field, it's used more in a pop science context.
- Calabi-Yau manifolds are usually discussed in string theory. While nice manifolds, a wormhole spacetime isn't required to be related to either Calabi-Yau manifolds nor Anti-de Sitter space.
- Also no source at all.
Wormholes aren't that easy to define, it's easy to make the definition too broad or too narrow, but whatever definition is (whether it be the fundamental group of the manifold, some cut and paste procedure or a local divergence of geodesic congruence), it's certainly not anything close to this. I'm guessing whoever wrote this had the ER = EPR thing in mind, where there is a possible AdS/CFT correspondence between wormholes and entangled states in a conformal field theory, but that's about the extent of what I can guess.