If we managed to make over 50 % of the drifting of the guiding centers of the gyrating particles inside a tokamak to occur into the inwards direction, away from the tokamak walls, would that allow us to get rid of that heat transfer from the plasma to the walls which is normally caused by various drifts?
I mean that as a particle circles around inside the tokamak it would be drifting inwards over half of the time.
My planned way to make the particles to drift towards the center of plasma is to have a large current in the toroidal field coils and then start to decrease that current, that would induce a poloidal electric field, which together with the toroidal magnetic field would cause a E x B drift of particles towards the center of plasma, larger drift for hotter particles - that last part sounds like violation of second law of thermodynamics, so maybe there is something wrong with this plan then.