I've read that all items in a freezer are at the temperature at which the freezer are set to (obviously items have to be in the freezer long enough). So, if I put normal tap water in a freezer which is set to -26C (which is what mine is set to) and it freezes, and I leave that ice long enough, it will eventually reach -26C.
What really bothers me is, if I put a +/- 20% saltwater solution in my freezer, and it eventually freezes (by which time regular water have long time been frozen, and according to the statement above should be at the same temperature as the saltwater ice), it feels much more colder than the regular tap water which was left to freeze.
If the statement is true that the regular ice and 20% saltwater ice is both at -26C, why are the saltwater ice feeling so much colder then. Are the online sources I've checked out lying?
I have no physics background, so this makes no sense to me that both ice are at the same temperature