It is the density and flow of energy and momentum that cause spacetime curvature. Mass is irrelevant. You could have a gravitating cloud of photons, which are massless.
Note: In modern physics, “mass” usually means the Lorentz-invariant mass, $m=\sqrt{E^2-p^2}$ (in units where $c=1$).
Two spheres with the same radius, mass density profile (say, as a function of the distance from the center), and angular velocity would produce the same frame-dragging, because they would have the same energy-momentum tensor $T^{\mu\nu}$. I’m assuming that they are rotating rigidly, which neither the Earth nor the Sun does.
I’m also assuming that they are at the same temperature. Perhaps since you asked about the Sun vs. the Earth, your question is whether if two spheres are the same except one is hotter, would it cause more curvature and more frame-dragging.
The answer to that is yes, because the hotter object would have more density and flow of energy and momentum at each point.