We know that two fields commute - by locality and causality - iff there is spacelike separation
$\left[\phi_l^k(x) , \phi_m^{k'}(y)\right] = 0$ for $(x-y)^2<0$
In the canonical quantization of the Dirac field, if $b_\alpha(k)$ is the annihilation operator and $b^\dagger_\alpha(k)$ is the creation operator for a particle of 4-momentum $k$ with
$\left[b_\alpha(k), b^\dagger_\beta(q)\right] = (2\pi)^3\frac{\omega_\mathbf k}{m} \delta^{(3)}(\mathbf{k}-\mathbf{q})\delta_{\alpha\beta}$
and $\psi^{(+)}(x) = e ^{-ikx}u(k) $ is a solution with positive energy while $\psi^{(-)}$ is negative, when we use commutators all the way, the following
$\left[\psi_\xi(x) , \overline\psi_\eta(y)\right] = (i\not\partial_x+m)\int{\frac{d^3k}{(2\pi)^3}\frac{1}{2\omega_\mathbf k}\left[e^{-ik(x-y)} + e^{+ik(x-y)}\right]|_{k=(\omega_k,\mathbf k )}}$
does not vanish for spacelike separations and results in a violation of causality. How is this problem overcome or why isn't it a problem?