Suppose you have a spin glass simulation in which the standard Metropolis MC algorithm is used to sample phase space. The we calculate the equivalent for the lattice system of the self intermediate scattering function, namely: $$ C(\tau) = \frac{1}{N}\sum_i^N\left<\sigma_i(t)\sigma_i(t+\tau)\right> $$ in which $\sigma_I$ is the i-th spin, and the sum is average over all $t$, steps of the MC simulation.
What information can be extracted from this correlation function? Is this the same information we can obtain from the self intermediate scattering function for "normal" (= NON spin) glasses?
Is it correct to say that the long asymptotic long time value is the $q_{EA}$ (Edward-Anderson)?
I don't know how this function is called in the spin glass framework. Do you know how can I find it in the literature and/or have you some paper to suggest about it?