Converting light colors is not always particularly easy, but you can sometimes find the right fluorescent material for the job of downconversion. For example, I happen to know that gallium oxide (Ga$_2$O$_3$) absorbs light with wavelength below 260 nm (UV-C) and then re-emits much of the energy around 360 nm (UV-A).
It is much easier to separate colors you already have. You can purchase dichroic beamsplitters which transmit a certain color range and reflect another. So it would be easy to find a set of two filters, the first of which would reflect the UV-C (transmitting UV-B and UV-A), and the second of which would reflect UV-B (transmitting UV-A).
Prisms made of an appropriate UV-transmissive material will also work fine, but they are a little less practical if you want to work with broad bands of color since the outgoing light will be diverging.