Lets assume we have a two body scattering like;
$$a + b = c+d$$
In the lab frame particle $a$ is moving with a certain beam energy $E_a$, and hits stationary particle $b$. Before the collision, the four momentum components for particle $a$ is $(E_a, 0,0, P_z)$ and for particle $b$ are $(m_b,0,0,0 )$.
I have all four momentum components (after the collision in lab frame) for particle $c$, which is $(E_c, p_{xc}, p_{yc}, P_{zc})$. How can I get the four momentum components of $c$ in the CM frame?
I do know how to write down the total four vector of $(a+b)$ in the CM and Lab frames and transfer them. But knowing all the four vector components of particle $c$, how can I get the four vector of particle $c$ in CM frame?
I want to do the computation in C++, so any mathematical trick how to get four momentum of $c$ particle in CM frame would be very helpful.
Any suggestions will be appreciated.
- I said the decay assuming the c particle could decay, but if I do know all the momentum components, I can explain that thing, so please ignore that
- Actually I know the four vector of (a+b) in CM frame calculation and also I also know all the all initial four vector of particle c in LAB frame, my concern is to get the four vector of c particle in CM frame (not lab frame, coz I know and I have the numerical value of the four components too) in terms of LAB frame.