A particle moves in the potential $$V(r)=\left\{\begin{aligned}\infty\ ,\ &0\leq r\leq a\ , \ r\geq b\\ 0 \ , \ & a<r<b\end{aligned}\right.$$ with $l=1$. We desire the energy eigenvalues.
The radial solution is $$R(r)=Aj_1(kr)+Bn_1(kr)$$ via spherical bessel functions and the continuity conditions demand $$B=-A\frac{j_1(ka)}{n_1(ka)}=-A\frac{j_1(kb)}{n_1(kb)}$$ or after some trigonometry $$\frac{\sin x-x\cos x}{\cos x-x\sin x}=\frac{\sin y-y\cos y}{\cos y-y\sin y}\Rightarrow ...\Rightarrow\tan(y-x)=\frac{y-x}{1-xy}$$ where $x=ka\ , \ y=kb$ which is a transcendental equation that i never seen before...does it have solutions,seems so...? Is there a book that i can find a similar problem, all textbooks i know have the solution for $l=0$.