I am simulating 1D many body (N>2) quantum chains, governed by Ising-Hamiltonians. More on the Ising-Hamiltonian.
My simulation generates the Hamiltonian based on the following formula:
$$\hat H = J\sum_i^N{\sigma_i^z\sigma_{i+1}^z} + \sum_i^{N-1}{\lambda(t)\sigma_i^x} $$
I am fairly certain I am generating the Hamiltonian correctly. As expected, however, extracting the eigenvalues from the Hamiltonian gives us a vector (in MATLAB) with all of the energy states of the system. To find the minimum energy state I am supposed to examine the minimum eigenvalue.
My question is: the eigenvalues often contain negative values. Do I ignore these? Take the absolute value of them? Can the minimum energy be negative?
Thanks for your time.