They say light travels faster than sound.
Lightning is just electrons, right?
Then why are both electrons and photons traveling at the same speed when thunder storms occur?
They say light travels faster than sound.
Lightning is just electrons, right?
Then why are both electrons and photons traveling at the same speed when thunder storms occur?
Think about a piece of copper wire. It is packed with free electrons that just can't escape because if they did the protons in the copper atoms would pull them back. It's just like a pipe full of water, sealed at both ends.
Now if you push some water into one end of the pipe (which you can only do if some water can also leave the other end), which water comes out?
Is the water that comes out the same water that you pushed in? Of course not. That water moved slowly. What moved fast was the pressure wave (sound wave) that told the water at the other end to come out.
A lightning bolt is just a long wire of air that conducts electricity because it's hot. The electrons move slowly, but they can't "bunch up", so the wave of pressure (voltage) travels at its natural speed, which is very fast, but less than the speed of light.
Light is what you see after the initial strike, contact has already been established by time you do see it. If that doesn't make sense think about a light bulb, the electricity gets to the light bulb and then it turn's on. Ask if you don't understand what i mean.