I've been wondering about how exactly the Pauli exclusion principle works--how it acts like a sort of repulsive "force" which doesn't allow one fermion to "be in the same place" as another. I understand that it is not a force, and from this answer it is more like something that magnifies the already-existing forces between particles. From what I understand, it seems to me that the Pauli exclusion principle just describes a consequence of how particles interact, rather than describing a force, kind of like how we think of centrifugal force as not really a force, just a consequence of reference frames and such.
My question is among neutrinos, is it the weak interaction that serves as the "repulsive" force? I have found descriptions of neutrino-neutrino scattering mediated by the Z boson.
Related to this, I have also wondered about "neutrino stars." Given that neutrinos are chargeless it seems to be that the existence of a neutrino star à la neutron star should be reasonable albeit improbable. However, what about the weak force? Are neutrinos repulsed by each other via this force? Would this force dominate at neutrino star scales?