I'm working on a variation of the Ising Model for my undergraduate thesis and I need the exact correlation function of neighbouring sites $<\sigma_{1,1}\sigma_{1,2}>$ to compare with my results. So far I've checked on many papers and books and the only close answer is in this one "Onsager and Kaufman's calculation of the spontaneous magnetization of the Ising model" by R.J. Baxter. However, they give a very complicated way of obtaining the correlation function of any two spins so the first neighbours corelation is not easy to derive.
I also thought that it would be easy to just do $\frac{1}{N}\frac{\partial}{\partial J}F$ since that would drop a $\sigma_i\sigma_j$ and would do the trick perfectly. However, I can't find a closed expression for the free energy F in any book. Every one that I look is expressed in terms of unsolved integrals or sums.
I would thank anybody who can give me a clue or the name of a paper where I can find this more easily.