I apologize for the subsequent headache. There is a person who claims quite adamantly that Einstein is wrong, using the following reasoning:
A clock on a train slows down the faster the train moves. Mechanical clocks are valid clocks too. The wheels of the train are mechanical clocks. Do they slow down?
The train moves at $0.5c$. The diameter of its wheels is $1$ meter for simplicity. The top of the wheel moves at $0.5c$ relative to the train, the lower point at $-0.5c$. The sides move vertically. From an observer on the ground the lower point of the wheel is stationary, just about to move upwards. The upper part has velocity $$\frac{0.5c + 0.5c}{1+0.25c^2/c^2} = \frac{c}{1.25} = 0.8c.$$ With that said, we can see that the top of the wheel rotates at 80% of the angular velocity required to keep the train moving at $0.5c$ - the wheel is deformed.
What this shows further is that the wheels as a whole don't slow down. They have to keep spinning. So time is not running any slower in this sense. It's only deformed.
Also, this shows that this thing that we call time is not a real thing - because the real thing would be a lower rate of events, as in a lower angular velocity of the wheel. Instead, it's just a mathematical variable we can play around with.
I know he is wrong but I'm not an expert in this and I would enjoy an answer.