If ball bouncing looks like a modulated abs of sine wave, then why not model bouncing this way?
Rather than this way:
If ball bouncing looks like a modulated abs of sine wave, then why not model bouncing this way?
Rather than this way:
Here is a plot of a sine curve overtop a parabolic curve:
Close, but clearly different. Also, if you wanted to show multiple bounces, you'd have to modulate not only the amplitude but also the frequency. This would become problematic because a continuously modulated frequency would lead to asymmetric bumps like this:
You could modulate the period and amplitude in a piecewise fashion so that they change for each bounce, but at that point your solution has become more complicated than the correct one.
Looks are deceiving. But to really answer it really depends on the intended purpose of your modeling.
If for example the purpose is for simulation in the cinema, your choice of a rectified sine wave might be 'real' enough. The audience believes it to be real, and everybody is happy.
But if you wanted a flight crew to reach Mars, you better stick with Newton and the real physics equations. Any other approximation could be deadly.