I've seen a definition of Polarization Current Density (usually given when explaining displacement current) given by:
But this seems to not contain all the information I may want. If we picture charge current as a flow of charges, then Polarization current would be viewed as a flow of dipoles. The above definition assumes that the dipole moments are flowing in the direction of the polarization. But why can't the be pointed other ways? If we are trying to be truly analogous to current and charge, where the continuity equations are defined:
$$ \nabla\cdot\vec{J}=-\frac{d\rho}{dt}$$
$$I =\int{ \vec J }\cdot d\vec a$$
Then I think it would be more general to define a Polarization Current Density tensor (I'll call it H for no particular reason) and Polarization Current vector (I'll call it G):
$$ \nabla\cdot\textbf{H}=-\frac{d\vec{P}}{dt}$$ $$\vec G =\int{ \textbf H }\cdot d\vec a$$
This would allow one to account for a current of dipoles oriented in any direction. I don't think this would particularly be useful for describing displacement current, but I've encountered a modeling problem where this could be a useful analysis. Is anyone aware of this tensor formulation? Or is there a good reason why it is not needed or useful? Does continuity still make sense in this case?