In Markakis 2012 they derive an equation (Eq.10),
$$\partial^k K^{ij} p_i p_j p_k + (\partial^j K - 2K^{jk} \partial_k \Phi) p_j = 0$$
For some tensor $K^{ij}$ and scalars, $K$, $\Phi$.
From this they state that one of the necessary and sufficient conditions for this equation to be true is,
$$ \partial^{(k}K^{ij)} = 0$$
Can anyone show why this is true? I can see that the first term $\partial^k K^{ij} p_i p_j p_k$ must equal zero, but can't see how this relates to the symmetrization. Also I cannot see how the metric tensor $g^{ij}$ would satisfy this equation?