This is much more on the mathematical side on the derivation, so I may be barking up the wrong Stack Exchange for this question; however, I have a curiosity about a contour integration performed in deriving Coulomb's law from classical field theory in Matthew Schwartz' QFT book. Through an action upon the time component of the vector potential via a propagator
$$A_0=\frac{e}{\Box}\delta^3(x). \tag{3.61}$$
One eventually obtains, by going into Fourier space, the following integral
$$\int_\infty^\infty dk\frac{e^{ikr}-e^{-ikr}}{k}.$$
To evaluate this integral, the author plays a cute trick by adding a small parameter to the denominator and letting it go to zero. This parameter, $\delta$, is set to be greater than zero (however, it can be set to be less than zero, and I presume that the integration will then just pick the $e^{ikr}$ out of the integration. He therefore lets
$$\int_\infty^\infty dk \frac{e^{ikr}-e^{-ikr}}{k}=\lim_{\delta \rightarrow0}\bigg[\int_\infty^\infty dk \frac{e^{ikr}-e^{-ikr}}{k+i\delta}\bigg]. \tag{3.63}$$
He then states that "for $e^{ikr}$, we must close the contour up to get exponential decay at large k. This missed the pole, so this term gives zero".
I am not necessarily sure what he means by "misses the pole", nor why this implies that $e^{irk}$ does indeed go to zero.