I have created a crude N-body simulator which allows N bodies of equal masses to interact gravitationally in 2 dimensions.
Each body is modeled as a circle with a radius as a function of its mass, in such a way that all bodies have the same density.
When two bodies collide, i.e their radii overlap, they stick together inelastically (but linear momentum is conserved).
I have initialized the simulation with N=300 particles, and initial positions and velocties randomized (all positions bounded to a certain rectangular window, all velocties of the same modulus).
As the simulation progresses, particles move about, collide and form larger particles, and after some time the system appears to reach a stable state in which the number of particles is very few, usually between 2-5 (the most common case is a planet-sun system)
I have plotted the number of bodies vs. time, and the graph shows something like an exponential decrease (maybe subexponential, I haven't done any regression analysis yet) until the system reaches a steady state in which particle number is constant:
Is there a means of predicting an exponential decrease on theoretical grounds, for example by assuming that for large numbers of particles the distribution of velocities is approximately random, and then using probability?
Does this question have anything to do with scattering theory?