As I understood, Feynman diagrams are nothing more than pictures for the transition amplitudes (up to some orders). For this we introduce a interaction vacuum state $|\Omega\rangle$ then we are able to calculate: $$\langle\Omega|T\{\phi(x_1)...\phi(x_n)\}|\Omega\rangle$$ I thought this means the creation of some particle at $x_n$ and annihilation at some other space time point.
But if I like to have QED/QFD/QCD interactions in one diagram, do I need a common interaction vacuum to write such transition amplitudes (to create for example leptons, W-Bosons or other hadrons in one process)? Is there a common state for QED, QFD and QED or better for the standard model? Or are they different? But how can I interpret these processes in this case?