When you have a straight line, the error in the slope can be calculated from (link):
$$SE = \frac{\sqrt{\sum(y_i-\hat{y_i})^2/(n-2)}}{\sqrt{\sum(x_i-\bar{x})^2}}$$
This assumes that the errors in all the data points is the same, and that the distribution of the errors is normal. When you take the logarithm of a normally distributed number, the result is no longer quite normal.
When $Y$ is normally distributed with a standard deviation $\sigma_Y$, then the error in $\log(Y)$ can be approximated by noting that
$$\frac{d(\log(Y)}{dY} = \frac{1}{Y}$$
So a variation of $\sigma_Y$ around $Y$ gives a variation of $\frac{\sigma_Y}{Y}$ about $\log(Y)$ (assuming that $\sigma_y\ll Y$). The constant $c$ in your equation can be taken outside of the logarithm and will just appear as an offset on $b$, so we can ignore that for the purpose of determining the slope.
Now given that the standard deviation of an individual measurement is $\sigma_Y$, you can probably assume that the expected value of an individual $(y_i-\hat{y_i})^2$ is equal to the variance, $\sigma_y^2$. In that case we can rewrite the above equation for the standard error of the slope:
$$SE = \frac{
Finally, since your expression has $\frac{1}{a}$ for the slope, you would have to invert this expression if you wanted the error in $a$.
Check my math - it looks right but it's possible I made a mistake.