From dimensional analysis I find that the dynamic viscosity of an ideal gas must depend on its pressure $p$, density $\rho$ and mean molecular free path $l$ in this way:
$$ \mu = C \sqrt{\rho p} l.\quad $$
Here, $C\geq0$ is a non-dimensional constant.
However, I find it counter intuitive that the dynamic viscosity, the 'internal friction', of the fluid increases with an increasing mean free path. My intuition tells me that the internal friction is low if the molecules are widely separated.
- Have I missed some quantity that should enter the expression?
- Has my derivation failed in some other way?
- Is my intuitive picture wrong?
The derivation
In an ideal gas, molecules are interacting only through ellastic collisions. The equation of state is:
$$ p = \rho R T. \quad (1) $$
The variables and their units are:
- $p$: Pressure [kg/(m s$^2$)]
- $\rho$: Density [kg/(m$^3$)]
- $R$: Specific gas constant [m$^2$/(s$^2$ K)]
- $T$: Temperature [K]
In general, these are field variables, so $p = p(\mathbf{x},t)$, $\rho = \rho(\mathbf{x},t)$ and $T = T(\mathbf{x},t)$. In fluid dynamics, a common assumption is that each infinitesimally small volume is in thermodynamic equilibrium, so that (1) holds at every point in the fluid. I make this assumption. I also assume that the fluid is 'Newtonian', so that the viscous stress tensor is proportional to the rate of strain. The constant of proportionality is the dynamic viscosity, $\mu$, whose unit is [kg/(m s)].
The dynamic viscosity is a 'material property'; it is independent of the motion of the fluid. In general, it is varying over space, so that $\mu = \mu(\mathbf{x},t)$. It's value is a property of the material and depends on its thermodynamic state.
It seems impossible to find how $\mu$ depends on the thermodynamic state from (1). Pressure has 'almost' the correct units, but I need to multiply the pressure by some time scale $\tau$ [s]. This time scale must depend on the microscopic properties of the material, and the only way I find it possible to construct it is by using the $l$ [m] the mean free path of the molecules in the fluid. The time scale contructed is:
$$ \tau = \sqrt{\frac{\rho}{p}} l.\quad (2) $$
Using (2) I find that the dynamic viscosity must depend on $p$, $\rho$ and $l$ in this way:
$$ \mu = C \sqrt{\rho p} l,\quad (3) $$
where $C\geq0$ is a non-dimensional constant.