In the many worlds interpretation, the universe you see around you is part of a larger and more complex structure called the multiverse. To some approximation, on some scales, under some circumstances, the multiverse acts like a collection of parallel non-interacting universes. This approximation breaks down in single particle interference experiments, the EPR experiment and other quantum mechanical experiments. For example, in single particle interference, two or more different versions of a particle interfere to produce the outcome. For a detailed explanation of a single particle interference experiment, see 'The Fabric of Reality' by David Deutsch, Chapter 2. For more explanation of the multiverse, see 'The Fabric of Reality' and 'The Beginning of Infinity' by David Deutsch and
The answer to why you don't see quantum interference effects in everyday life is that when you copy information from a system undergoing interference you prevent the interference. An object like you or your desk or whatever is having lots of information copied from it on a very short timescale, e.g. the shape of my chair is changed by the pressure my body puts on it and this is a record of my position, light scattering off me records my position and so on. For more on how copying prevents interference see