Currently, I am reading Thermodynamic cost of creating correlations by Huber et al.
I am having hard time understanding the framework of the paper (Section 2). I am sure I am missing something very obvious.
The Section 2 starts as follows.
We consider a global system comprised of $n$ initially uncorrelated $d$-dimensional quantum systems. Each system is taken to have the same (arbitrary) local Hamiltonian $H={{\sum }_{i}}{{E}_{i}}|i\rangle \langle i|$, and the same temperature ${{k}_{{\rm B}}}T=1/\beta $. Hence the initial state of the global system is
and $\mathcal{Z}={\rm Tr}\left( {{{\rm e}}^{-\beta H}} \right)$ is the partition function. When discussing qubits we will denote by $E$ the energy of the excited state and
the ground state probability.
My questions:
- Should I assume that $H={{\sum }_{i}}{{E}_{i}}|i\rangle \langle i|$ is actually $H={{\sum }^n_{i = 1}}{{E}_{i}}|i\rangle \langle i|$?
- The authors say that the initial state of the global system is $\rho_i$. Why do we need the index $i$ if it is global? Or is it a different $i (initial)$ than the index in question $i$?