If given a wave function which is an element of a Hilbert space $\mathcal{H}$ which is a tensor product of two other Hilbert spaces $\mathcal{H}_1\otimes\mathcal{H}_2$, how do you formulate measurement of the function in one of the sub-spaces, i.e. $\mathcal{H}_1$?
For example, say you have a system $\left|\psi\right>$ which consists of two qubits $\left|\psi_1\right>\otimes\left|\psi_2\right>$. The system undergoes a unitary operation, giving $\left|\psi'\right>=U\left|\psi\right>$. It should still be possible to measure just one of the two qubits, causing a partial collapse of the system.
If the two qubits are not entangled after $U$, then they can be separated as $\left|\psi'\right>=\left|\psi_1'\right>\otimes\left|\psi_2'\right>$. It seems clear that measuring i.e. $\left|\psi_1'\right>$ should not cause $\left|\psi_2'\right>$ to collapse.
If the qubits are partially entangled, it may still be possible for one of the qubits to be in some sort of superposition. For example, if $\left|\psi'\right>=\frac{\left|00\right>+\left|01\right>+\left|11\right>}{\sqrt{3}}$, then $\left|\psi_2'\right>$'s state depends on what $\left|\psi_1'\right>$ collapses to. If $\left|\psi_1'\right>\rightarrow\left|0\right>$, then could $\left|\psi_2'\right>$ still be in a superposition, namely $\frac{\left|0\right>+\left|1\right>}{\sqrt{2}}$?
To be more specific about the "formulation" part of my question, you can use e.g. $\left|\left<0\mid\psi_1'\right>\right|^2$ to find the probability that $\left|\psi_1'\right>$ collapses to $\left|0\right>$, assuming a normalized wavefunction. What would be the format for e.g. measuring a single qubit of $\left|\psi'\right>$? Would it be something like $\left(\left<0\right|\otimes\left<\psi_2'\right|\right)\left|\psi'\right>$?
Some insight I'm looking into: the expectation value of an operator $O$ is given by $\left<\psi\mid O\mid\psi\right>$. When $O$ is a projection operator, such as $\left|0\right>\left<0\right|$ (which projects to a $\left|0\right>$-basis), the expectation value is the probability that measurement yields that particular outcome. So perhaps partial measurement of a system involves projection to some subspace spanned by multiple basis states?