Note: In this question I am going to list the inputs in the order of control and then target.
Using the cNOT gate, what would happen in the following scenarios (i.e., what would the outputs be):
- Input a superposition (all superpostions assumed to be of the form $\alpha |00\rangle + \beta |01\rangle+\gamma|10\rangle+\delta|11\rangle$)
- Input $|1\rangle$ and a superposition
- Input a superposition and a superposition
- I'm not really sure...
- It would still flip the superposition like in the NOT gate (though I'm not quite sure what form that would take with four variables)
- Depends on the first one, but if the target does flip, then my guess for the second one would apply
Any help would be appreciated, as I'm not really sure what the result would be here.
Edit: I don't see why this is being voting to be closed as a homework question; it is asking conceptually what happens and includes my own guesses, so I don't see how it violates homework policy. (For the curious, this is not even from a textbook, though I know that isn't relevant.)