I'm reading about the running coupling in QCD. I understand the vacuum polarization and its consequences. Also I've read that you can find the same phenomenon on the strong interaction, giving us the asymptotic freedom of quarks.
However, this "scale" things looks very, very related with phase transitions theory, which is important in condensed matter and also in complex systems/interdisciplinary physics. In Wikipedia looks like this is related to $\beta$-functions, so if $\mu$ is the energy scale and $g$ the coupling parameter,
$$\beta=\mu \dfrac{\partial g}{\partial \mu}$$
And they say that $\beta = 0$ if the theory is scale-invariant. The "scale-invariant" thing sounds to me a lot of complex systems -complex networks, fractals, this kind of stuff.
However, if I try to Google about running coupling I only find things about QED, QCD, great unification and all this things...
So, can you give me any examples of theories or models where the coupling parameters change with scale, as the fine structure constant do in QED? I'm interested also in interdisciplinary applications.
Thank you!